Bamse #10 2010

Lille Skutt’s brother Happ and his house mate Lille Sixten are back in a new adventure written by Susanne Adolfsson, introducing a brand new character in the Bamse universe.

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Great cover by Gunnarsson, Bällsten, Hanson and Jörgensen.

Happ and Sixten discover a new born baby rabbit outside their door. They can’t find its mother, so they must learn how to take care of it. Turns out the baby is very, very hungry…

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Happ and Sixten name the baby Suddan. Here are some rough design sketches. I decided to make her a Lop Rabbit with hanging ears.

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I drew this comic about a year ago in Liverpool in my dad’s house. Brings back memories of a quiet summer, a damp Yemeni mafrash (living room) turned into a temporary studio, walking the dog, feeding the cat.

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Kerstin Hamberg’s ink original.

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The way it ended up in the magazine.

Happ, Lille Sixten och Suddan is one of those rare stories dealing with contemporary social issues in a way that in my opinion makes Bamse unique among children’s comics. Very nice work by writer Susanne Adolfsson.

All images in this post are ⓒ Rune Andréasson.

5 thoughts on “Bamse #10 2010

  1. Hey, I was looking for your e-mail on the site but couldnt find it, I had a question regarding some of your older work for TL-klubben, so its not directly related to the topic of your current post.

    I’m a comic book collector in Norway, and recently found a copy of your published work for tl-klubben – TanimaL (wonderfull work too, I might add). I read in your blog from the time you did this piece that the wrap-around cover you originally intended to do got axed in the printing process, and that you had to come up with a quick fix for it. However, the one published here in Norway did have your full wrap-around cover. So what I’m wondering is, are there two versions of this book in existance, or did they revert to your wrap-around and stick to that as first intended? : )

  2. Hi, Anders!
    My e-mail adress got lost when I removed everything but the blog from my site. I’m planning to make a new (and better) site, whenever I get the time. It will include my e-mail, which is:

    I’m very happy to hear that you found a copy of TanimaL, and that you liked it. The other day my colleague saw a woman wearing a back pack with the Pling toy (the mouse) attached to it. I enjoyed very much working with TanimaL, but it ended in a mess. The Swedish editor who was my main contact through the project was fired (or quit, I don’t remember) near the end, and the Norwegian editor rewrote the script after the pictures were done, resulting not so much in a different story, but in one where text and image didn’t match as well.

    The Swedish editor had assured me throughout the work process that everything looked great and that everyone at the company had given thumbs up etc. Turned out the Norwegian editor didn’t like it at all, mostly because it was too childish. And I think she was right. I read the comments on the TL member forum, and the consensus seemed to be just that (“This is soooo corny.” “Do they think we’re children or something?” “I hated it, but my 6 year old brother liked it.” etc.). Honestly, I don’t know the taste of 8-12 year old girls that well, I was simply following the editor’s instructions. Something that started out great was thus rounded off with a bad aftertaste…

    To your question, yes it was the Swedish cover that they messed up. I got a few copies of the Norwegian one that you have, which looks a lot better. I would have spent more time on the cover, “cell shading” it and stuff, but I was a few days past deadline already and completely worked out after some intensive months. Anyway, it warmed my heart to hear some positive feedback from a neighbour and comics collector. Thanks! 🙂

  3. Underbar den ska jag visa for min dotter. Pedagogiskt och trdrveaoigt saa det foerslar. Ingen klaar Bamse. Vilket nummer var detta i?(Vet du foerresten att det har kommmit en ny skurk, raeven Reinee, eller var det Reinhardt? Mycket spaennande. Vore Bamse riktigt pc -eller ska jag saega moderna, varerdefoermeldare, skulle f.o. det komma lite HBT-preferenser hos Bamsebarnen snart.UBYMIC

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