The Pacifiers: The Space Thing

The first Pacifiers comic so generously funded by YOU is done! Starting today, I’ll be posting two strips a week – Tuesdays and Fridays – for the next 13 weeks at Make sure to check in every once in a while, and let us entertain you with:

13 weeks should give me enough time to finish the coloring of the second Kickstarter comic (the third in Pacifiers chronology). Being on parental leave with two small ones, there’s no time for “work”. Yet, I’m 1/3 through the second comic. How you ask? Well, who needs sleep anyway…

Anyway, if everything works out the way I planned, there’ll be Pacifiers comics running continuously for a total of 31 weeks! As I’ve said previously, everything will be delayed. So don’t expect that magazine and your other rewards for Christmas. You’ll get them sometime next year, hopefully during spring. Rest assured you’ll get everything you paid for!

In spite of going through hard times, I truly enjoyed doing this work. The Pacifiers used to be an idea, a concept. Jimmy made it a living breathing thing with his playful scripts. Thanks Jimmy! And let’s not forget my dear friend Alfred who was a key player in making the Kickstarter campaign successful. Thanks Alfred! And most of all, thanks to each one of you who believed in this project and supported it! It would not have been made at all if it wasn’t for you guys. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

All along this journey I had the feeling we’ve been creating something special. This is me giving everything I’ve got as a cartoonist. I hope you like it.

Peace and love

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